Best Data Engineering Certification Course in Mumbai

Learners 1000+
  • Best Data Engineering Course in Mumbai to Learn in Online / Classroom Format from Best Data Engineering Training Institute QuickXpert Infotech known for Quality Training in Reasonable Fees and Placements!

  • About Data Engineering -

    It is process of designing and building database systems right from small to big data to store and analyze for real time processing and forecasting. This data can be further used by Data Scientist and Data Analyst for their analysis and visualization purpose to solve complex business problems.

  • About Our Data Engineering Certification Course -

    It covers both regular sql and no sql to developing big data systems using hadoop.

  • Any Pre-requisites -

    None. Any one from IT & non IT background can learn to become a Data Engineer!

  • Technologies -

    Oracle, Mongo DB, Hadoop

  • Scope & Job Openings -

    Highly Demanded

  • Duration -

    6 to 6.5 months

  • Fees -

    Live Online - Rs.40000, Classroom - Rs.45000 (inclusive of GST, Installments available)

  • Scope & Job Openings -

    Highly Demanded > Quick Jobs!

  • Jobs Roles Targeted -

    Data Engineerm, Data Architect, Database Developer etc.


Job Opportunity

Data Engineering Course
  • Oracle 18/21c Installation
  • Basics
    • Oracle Basics
    • Database models
    • ER Model Overview
    • Data types
    • Understanding Test Database
    • Basics Queries
    • Arithmetic and String functions
    • DML Operations - Insert, Update and Delete
    • FETCH command - Top N, Top % Rows
  • Writing Queries
  • Filters
    • IN
    • LIKE
    • NOT
    • NULL
    • AND, OR, NOT etc
    • Using Complex Data Filtering Techniques
  • Sorting
    • Ascending Order
    • Descending Order
    • Complex Sorting
  • Functions
    • String Functions - lower case, uppercase, substring, instring, trim etc.
    • Number Functions
    • Date Manipulation
    • Null Value Functions - NVL, NVL2, NULLIF, COALESCE
    • Conditional Expressions - Case and Decode
  • Groups
    • Basics
    • Grouping functions - AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT, DISTINCT COUNT etc
    • Grouping Filters - HAVING
    • Rollups & Cubes
  • Analytic (Window) Functions
    • Over() with summary functions
    • Partition By Queries
    • ROW_NUMBER()
    • RANK()
    • DENSE_RANK()
  • Joins
    • Cartesian Product
    • Equi and Non-Equi Joins
    • Left Outer Join
    • Right Outer Join
    • Full Outer Join
    • Self Join
    • Complex Queries - Joins & Groups Integration
  • SET Operators
    • Union
    • Union All
    • Intersect
    • Minus
  • Subquery
    • Single Valued Row Sub Query
    • Multi Valued Sub Query
  • Views
  • Inline Views
  • TOP N Analysis or Complex Inline View
  • DDL
    • Tables - Create, Alter, Drop
    • Indexes - Types, Create, Drop
    • Constraints - Not Null, Primary Key, Unique Key, Foreign Key
    • Sequence
    • Synonyms
  • Foreign Keys
  • DML operations - Insert, Update & Delete
    • Insert, Update, Delete & Truncate
    • Common Operations
    • Creating Tables using queries
    • Bulk Data Inserts using Queries
  • Transactions ( T SQL)
    • Commit
    • Rollback
    • Savepoint
  • DCL - Grant & Revoke
  • Project
  • PL SQL Basics
    • Why PLSQL?
    • Anonymous Blocks
    • Data types, Variable, Composite Variables etc
  • Progamming in PLSQL
    • if..elsif..else block
    • Control Structures
      • for loop
      • while loop
      • loop...end loop
    • PLSQL Programs
    • Logic Building
      • Basic Programs
      • Pattern Programs
    • Nested Blocks
  • Using SQL in PLSQL Block
    • Select
    • CRUD
    • Transactions etc
  • Cursors & Adv. Cursors
    • Implicit Cursors
    • Explicit Cursors
    • Cursor For Loops
    • Cursor with parameters
    • Reference Cursors
  • Exception Handling
    • Understanding Exception Handling
    • Using Oracle Defined Exceptions
    • Using User Defined Exceptions
    • Using Exception Keyword
    • Raise_Application_Error
    • Raise keyword
    • Pragma Exceptions
    • Exception Propagation
  • Procedures
    • Creating Procedures
    • Nested Procedures
    • Overloading Procedures
    • Exception handling and propagation
  • Functions
    • Creating Functions
    • Overloading Functions
    • Nesting Functions and Procedures
  • Packages
    • Package Basics
    • Package Specification
    • Package Body
    • Global constants
    • Writing Stored Procedures and Functions in Packages
    • Procedure Overloading
    • Function Overloading
    • Nesting of Functions & Procedures
    • Exception Handling in packages
  • Using Oracle Supplied Packages
  • Triggers & Adv. Triggers
    • Create, Replace, Drop
    • Trigger Types
    • Database Triggers
    • DML Triggers
    • INSTEAD OF Trigger
    • SECURITY Triggers
  • V Arrays
    • Dynamic Array or V Array
    • Oracle Pipes
    • Oracle Table Function
    • Bulk Operations Oveview
    • etc
  • Case Study / Project
  • Introduction & Installation
    • Introdution
    • Installing Python
    • Installing Pycharm
    • Configurations
  • Programming Basics
    • Variables
    • Data Types
    • User Inputs
    • Unpacking
    • Boolean Practice
    • What If, Else and If, Making Decisions
    • For Loops
    • Break Continue Pass
    • Break Vs Continue Vs Pass
  • Data Structures
    • List
    • Tuple
    • Set
  • Logic Building & Programming
    • Pattern Programs
    • Prime Number
    • Fibonacci Sequence
    • Factorial
    • Recursion
    • Swap 2 Variables
  • Data Structures
    • Linear Search
    • Bubble Sort
  • Functions
    • Creating Functions
    • Functions Arguments
    • Type of Arguments
    • Keyworded Variable Length Arguments
    • Using Built in Functions
    • Global Keywords
    • Passing List to Functions
  • Anonymous Functions / Lambda
  • Filter / Map Reduce
  • Decorators
  • Modules
  • OOPs Programming
    • Modules
    • Special variable _name_
    • Class & Object
    • _init_ method
    • Constructor, Self and Comparing Objects
    • Types of Variables
    • Types of Method
    • Inner Class
    • Inheritance
    • Constructor in Inheritance
    • Introduction to Polymorphism
    • Duck Typing
    • Operators Overloading
    • Method Overloading
    • Method Overriding
    • Iterator
    • Generators
  • Exception Handling
  • File handling
  • MySQL Server Setup
    • Installing and Configuring MySQL Server
    • Creating Database
    • CRUD Operations
    • Create Tables
      • Insert
      • Update
      • Delete
  • Database Integration with Python
    • Connection to Database from Python
    • Writing functions to handle database operations
    • CRUD Operations in python
  • Web Scrapping
    • Beautiful SOUP library
    • Parsing HTML files
    • Getting Data from Any Website
  • Data Analytics (NumPy & Pandas)
    • Installing & Understanding Analytics Packages
    • NumPy Array Operations
    • Pandas Data Frame Operations
    • Data Acquisition (Import & Export)
    • Indexing
    • Selection
    • Sorting
    • Filtering
    • Group By
    • Binning
    • Concatenation
    • Merge
    • Append
    • Drop
  • Data Visualization
    • Installing Matplotlib & Seaborne libraries
    • Charts & Plots
      • Histogram
      • Scatter Plots
      • Box Plots
      • Line Chart
      • Bar Chart
      • Pie Chart etc.
  • MongoDB & NoSQL
    • What is MongoDB?
    • Use of MongoDB
    • Introduction to NOSQL
    • Queries in MongoDB
    • CRUD Operation in MongoDB
    • MongoDB Compass in Reactjs
    • How to connect MongoDB with NodeJs
    • MongoDB create Database
    • MongoDb Insert
    • MongoDb Find
    • MongoDb Sort
    • MongoDb Delete
    • MongoDb Update
    • MongoDb Limit
  • Introduction to Hadoop & Bigdata
    • HDFS - Hadoop Distributed File System
    • Comparing Hadoop & SQL
    • Hadoop Architecture
    • Map Reduce & HDFS
    • Using the Hadoop single node image (Clone)
  • HDFS
    • HDFS Design & Concepts
    • Blocks, Name nodes and Data nodes
    • HDFS High-Availability and HDFS Federation
    • Hadoop DFS The Command-Line Interface
    • Basic File System Operations
    • Anatomy of File Read & Write
    • Block Placement Policy and Modes
    • More detailed explanation about Configuration files
    • Metadata, FS image, Edit log, Secondary Name Node and Safe Mode
    • FSCK Utility. (Block report)
    • HDFS Federation
    • Introduction
    • Import Data
    • Export data
    • Introduction
    • Flume Commands
  • Map Reduce
    • Functional Programming Basics
    • Map and Reduce Basics
    • Anatomy of a Map Reduce Job Run
    • Architecture
    • Job Completion, Failures
    • Shuffling and Sorting
    • Splits, Record reader, Partition, Types of partitions & Combiner
    • Speculative Execution
    • Types of Schedulers and Counters
    • YARN
    • Sequential Files and Map Files
    • Hands on Word Counter in Map/Reduce in standalone and Pseudo distribution Mode
  • Hive
    • Installation
    • Introduction and Architecture
    • Hive Services, Hive Shell, Hive Server and Hive Web Interface (HWI)
    • Meta store
    • Hive QL
    • Derby Database
    • Working with Tables
    • Primitive data types and complex data types
    • Working with Partitions
    • Hive Bucketed Tables and Sampling
    • External partitioned tables
    • Differences between ORDER BY, DISTRIBUTE BY and SORT BY
    • Log Analysis on Hive
    • Hands on Exercises
  • NoSql Database
    • Introduction
    • Types
    • Brief Of Nosql Database
  • HBase
    • HBase Installation
    • HBase concepts
    • HBase Data Model and Comparison between RDBMS and NOSQL
    • Master & Region Servers
    • HBase Operations (DDL and DML) through Shell and Programming and HBase Architecture
    • Catalog Tables
    • Block Cache and sharing
    • SPLITS
    • DATA Modeling
    • HBASE Filters
    • Bulk Loading and Coprocessors
    • Real world use case consisting of HDFS, MR and HBASE
    • Spark and its purpose
    • Components of Spark
    • Using Spark with Hadoop
    • Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)
    • Working with Key-Value Pairs
    • Downloading and installing Spark Standalone
    • Scala Overview
    • Fundamental Of Scala
    • Basic Syntax and Operators
    • Programming with Spark
  • SOLR
    • Fundamental Of Solr
    • Installation of Solr Standalone
    • Basic Solr Concept
    • Demo
  • Best Practise
Data Engineering Courses & Job Oriented Training Programs


Why get Trained from us ?

10 yrs in IT Training
ISO Certified Institute
1000+ Companies
100% Job Placement Assistance
Training from Experts
Trained Globally
100% Practical Training
Certification Course
Projects / Case Studies
Interview & CV Preparation
Competive Edge in Job Market
Free Demo etc.
"Lots of students placed in ongoing training or within just 30 days of completion of training"

You can be the Next Placed Student

Overall 1000+ Companies for Placements
(few mentioned below)

  • 1. Darwin Platform Group of Companies
  • 2. Expound Technivo Pvt Ltd
  • 3. Aniruddha Telemetry Systems
  • 4. Acura Solutions
  • 5. Yash Technologies
  • 6. AQM Technologies Pvt Ltd
  • 7. Dusane Infotech
  • 8. Freight Tiger
  • 9. Aeon IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • 10. AG Technologies Pvt.Ltd
  • 11. Binateit IT Services Pvt Ltd
  • 12. Arine Solutions Private Limited
  • 13. AscenWork Technologies Private Limited
  • 14. Prisma AI Corporation Pte. Ltd.
  • 15. Miscot Systems Pvt. Ltd.
  • 16. Appetals Solutions Private Limited
  • 17. Ardentia Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
  • 18. Atri technocrat
  • 19. G-Square Solutions Private Limited
  • 20. Nevpro Business Solutions(NBS) Pvt. Ltd.
  • 21. Beehive Software Services Pvt Ltd.
  • 22. BestoSEO Solutions
  • 23. Billtrace infotech Pvt Ltd
  • 25. Brandintelle Services
  • 26. Bristlecone
  • 27. CMOTS Internet Technologies
  • 28. Cirrius Technologies Private Limited
  • 29. Digi Midas
  • 30. Dure Technologies Pvt Ltd
  • 31. eBrandz Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • 32. Edelweiss Capital
  • 34. DigiFinTax Solutions Private Limited
  • 35. T3 Softwares
  • 36. Big Rattle Technologies
  • 37. Eviska Infotech Pvt Ltd
  • 38. Unichem Laboratories Ltd.
  • 39. Retail Whizz Solutions Private Limited
  • 40. Focus Management Consultants Pvt ltd
  • 41. Gratitude India
  • 42. Hero MotoCorp Ltd.
  • 43. HR Mantra Software Pvt Ltd
  • 44. Ideatore Interactive Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • 45. iGenesis Technologies
  • 46. Impulse Digital
  • 47. Inspeero Technologies
  • 48. Intellecta Consultants
  • 49. Job
  • 50. Brilino Pvt Ltd
  • 51. Galentic Technologies Private Limited
  • 52. Hurix Systems Private Limited
  • 54. Steadfast IT Consulting Pvt Ltd
  • 55. Kores
  • 56. Genirex Intellect Team Pvt Ltd
  • 57. V2STech Solutions
  • 58. Meru Mobility Pvt Ltd
  • 59. Propellum Infotech Pvt Ltd
  • 60. BarrierBreak Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • 61. Eziway Global Management
  • 62. Goldimine Electrosystems Pvt. Ltd.
  • 63. Marathe Infotech Pvt. Ltd
  • 64. Master Computech Pvt. Ltd.
  • 65. Svatantra Micro Housing Finance Corporation Ltd
  • 66. Mphasis
  • 67. NDS GLOBAL
  • 68. Nebula Personalization Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd
  • 69. Nestor Marketing
  • 70. Net Gains Technologies Pvt Ltd
  • 71. Nimap Infotech
  • 72. Open Radix Software Solutions
  • 73. Opportune Technologies Pvt Ltd
  • 74. Optimum Financial Solutions Pvt. Ltd
  • 75. Pinnacle People Solutions Pvt Ltd
  • 76. Qtech Software Pvt. Ltd
  • 77. SAAR IT Resources Pvt. Ltd
  • 78. Saba Technosoft
  • 79. Sahu Technologies
  • 80. Core Ocean Solutions LLP
  • 81. Seclore Technology Pvt Ltd
  • 82. Sitel
  • 84. SME MaXX
  • 85. Spider Software Pvt Ltd
  • 86. iFAST Financial India Private Limited
  • 87. Code array Technologies Pvt. Ltd
  • 88. Tata Consultancy Services
  • 89. TurtleDove Technologies
  • 90. Network Techlab (India) Pvt. Ltd
  • 91. Jyoti Plastics Works Pvt Ltd
  • 93. The Oberoi Group
  • 94. ThinkApps Solutions Private Limited
  • 95. Transovative Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • 96. TranzDigi
  • 97. Ugam Solutions
  • 98. Virtual Splat Software Pvt. Ltd.
  • 99. Techatalyst Software Pvt. Ltd.
  • ... 1000+ companies

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101, 1st Floor, Prestige Chambers CHS Ltd., opp. platform 2 Thane w rly stn, behind Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar statue, besides Maurya Hotel.

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