Cloud Computing Certification Course - Overview

  • What is Cloud Computing? Normally big companies have multiple projects. So they need different servers for different projects. So basically cloud computing reduces this infra cost of company with providing them single large server and pay per use policy. Means company have to pay only for that much amount for how much they have used server bandwidth and processing speed. Best thing when not in use then charages are bare minimal and if more processing speed is required then the cloud servers can be increased or reduced to meet the project requirements. So company don't need to invest in different infra and can use same infra and scale them as per their requirements.
  • Why AWS? - AWS is among top cloud infrastructure provider and widely used in industry
  • Is Dev Ops a Cloud Computing Course? - Dev Ops are deployed on cloud and mainly focussed towards application development on cloud servers. So it uses AWS infra but doesn't provides cloud infra. Hence both AWS and Dev Ops are interoperable. AWS provides cloud infra customization whereas Dev ops uses Cloud Infra for application deployment. Check both the Syllabus to understand better.
  • Who Can Learn? - Both IT & Non IT as no programming involved

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Cloud Computing Courses